Available courses

Course Image Teaching and Learning - Competition Coach Pilot

Teaching and Learning - Competition Coach Pilot

The NCCP Teaching and Learning module is a cornerstone of the NCCP and trains coaches to better support their participants in training. This course will prepare you to implement an appropriately structured and organized practice, and make interventions that promote learning and development.
Course Image Provincial/Territorial Next Gen Program - Virtual Education Program/Associations  provinciales et territoriales :  prochaine générationogram - Programme de formation virtuel

Provincial/Territorial Next Gen Program - Virtual Education Program/Associations provinciales et territoriales : prochaine générationogram - Programme de formation virtuel

High Performance Athletes and Coaches who are selected by their Province or Territory to participate in their Provincial/Territorial Next Gen/High Performance Programs are permitted access to this "course" where they will be able to access educational sessions and resources from Curling Canada.  Th…
Course Image Brushing - Competition Development

Brushing - Competition Development

The purpose of this course is to provide coaches with the most complete and up-to-date information about brushing in the sport of curling. Brushing is arguably the most under-coached aspect of curling, but due to the various technological changes and rule changes in the game over the years, brushin…
Course Image Performance Planning - Competition Development

Performance Planning - Competition Development

This course enables coaches to plan a program based on training and competition opportunities appropriate to the stage of the Long-Term Curler Development (LTCD) Model that their athletes are in. Coaches will learn to identify measures promoting development and integrating yearly training prioritie…
Course Image Prevention and Recovery - Competition Development

Prevention and Recovery - Competition Development

This course explores concepts around understanding the nature of injuries and how to set up your coaching practice to help with injury prevention.  The course will include looking at effective warm ups, recovery strategies and looking at skill execution as signs of fatigue. You will also develop a …
Course Image Developing Athletic Abilities - Competition Development

Developing Athletic Abilities - Competition Development

This course enables coaches on how to investigate, examine and develop the athletic abilities of their athletes.  
Course Image Long Term Curler Development Model - Competition Development

Long Term Curler Development Model - Competition Development

This course will help coaches understand Curling Canada's Long Term Curler Development (LTCD) Framework and how it applies the programs and coaches.  The Long Term Curler Development Framework should guide the coach in the why, when and how to introduce skills, run training, use competitions, etc..…
Course Image Health and Wellness - Competition Development

Health and Wellness - Competition Development

This course is intended to train coaches in the fundamentals of health and wellness for their athletes, including topics such as fatigue management, travel planning, diet and nutrition, and anti-doping precautions.
Course Image Understanding the NCCP - Competition Development

Understanding the NCCP - Competition Development

This course will help coaches understand Curling Canada's Coach Development Model, the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) structure and where they are in the system.  This course will explain the Competition Development Coach Training and Certification Pathway, recommended sequence of t…
Course Image Manage a Program - Competition Development

Manage a Program - Competition Development

This course will help coaches understand their own personal coaching gaps, learn how to surround themselves with a support team, assist with managing a curling team's season - administratively, financially, logistically.  The course will address, team meetings and communication, media, team contrac…
Course Image Brossage - Compétition-Développement

Brossage - Compétition-Développement

Le but de ce cours est de fournir aux entraîneurs les renseignements les plus complets et les plus récents sur le brossage dans le sport du curling, qui, en raison de divers changements technologiques au cours des dernières années, constitue l'un des aspects les plus dynamiques du sport. 
Course Image Prévention et récupération - Compétition-Développement

Prévention et récupération - Compétition-Développement

Ce cours explore les concepts autour de la compréhension de la nature des blessures et comment mettre en place votre pratique pour aider à la prévention des blessures. Le cours comprendra des échauffements efficaces, des stratégies de récupération et l'examen de l'exécution des compétences comme de…
Course Image Développement des qualités athlétiques - Compétition-Développement

Développement des qualités athlétiques - Compétition-Développement

Ce cours permet aux entraîneurs d'apprendre, d'examiner et de développer les capacités athlétiques de leurs athlètes.
Course Image Gestion d’un programme - Compétition-Développement

Gestion d’un programme - Compétition-Développement

Ce cours aidera les entraîneurs à comprendre leurs propres lacunes en matière d’entraînement, à apprendre à s’entourer d’une équipe de soutien et à aider à gérer la saison d’une équipe de curling – aux points de vue administratif, financier et logistique. Le cours portera sur les réunions d’équipe …
Course Image Santé et mieux-être - Compétition-Développement

Santé et mieux-être - Compétition-Développement

Le présent cours a pour but de former les entraîneurs aux principes fondamentaux de la santé et du mieux‑être de leurs athlètes et traite de sujets tels que la gestion de la fatigue, la planification des voyages, l’alimentation et la nutrition, ainsi que les précautions en matière de dopage. …
Course Image Développement à long terme du curleur - Compétition-Développement

Développement à long terme du curleur - Compétition-Développement

Ce cours aidera les entraîneurs à comprendre le Cadre de développement à long terme du curleur (DLTC) de Curling Canada et la façon dont il s’applique aux programmes et aux entraîneurs. Le DLTC devrait guider l’entraîneur, afin de lui permettre de déterminer pourquoi, quand et comment présenter les…
Course Image Comprendre le PNCE - Compétition-Développement

Comprendre le PNCE - Compétition-Développement

Ce cours aidera les entraîneurs à comprendre le Modèle de développement de l’entraîneur de Curling Canada, la structure du Programme national de certification des entraîneurs (PNCE) et le stade auquel ils se trouvent dans le système. Ce cours expliquera le Cheminement de formation et de certificati…
Course Image Delivery - Competition Development - Pilot #1

Delivery - Competition Development - Pilot #1

In this course, coaches can expect to learn the technical and analytical considerations of the curling delivery, including the key biomechanical principles and training considerations and isolation drills for mastering the delivery.
Course Image Brushing - Competition Development Pilot #1

Brushing - Competition Development Pilot #1

The purpose of this course is to provide coaches with the most complete and up-to-date information about brushing in the sport of curling. Brushing is arguably the most under-coached aspect of curling, but due to the various technological changes and rule changes in the game over the years, brushin…
Course Image Strategy and Tactics:  Competition Development - Pilot #1

Strategy and Tactics: Competition Development - Pilot #1

This course will help coaches understand how to teach their athletes the Strategic Planning and Tactical Implementation processes.  Coaches will review the characteristics of the four strategies, the features of each strategic profile, understand the elements of an end plan and game plan. Coaches w…
Course Image Long Term Curler Development Model - Competition Development

Long Term Curler Development Model - Competition Development

This course will help coaches understand Curling Canada's Long Term Curler Development (LTCD) Framework and how it applies the programs and coaches.  The Long Term Curler Development Framework should guide the coach in the why, when and how to introduce skills, run training, use competitions, etc..…
Course Image Understanding the NCCP - Competition Development

Understanding the NCCP - Competition Development

This course will help coaches understand Curling Canada's Coach Development Model, the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) structure and where they are in the system.  This course will explain the Competition Development Coach Training and Certification Pathway, recommended sequence of t…
Course Image Advanced Practice Planning - Competition Development

Advanced Practice Planning - Competition Development

This course enables coaches to plan, implement and evaluate a safe and effective practice.  
Course Image Prevention and Recovery - Competition Development

Prevention and Recovery - Competition Development

This course explores concepts around understanding the nature of injuries and how to set up your coaching practice to help with injury prevention.  The course will include looking at effective warm ups, recovery strategies and looking at skill execution as signs of fatigue. You will also develop a …
Course Image Developing Athletic Abilities - Competition Development

Developing Athletic Abilities - Competition Development

This course enables coaches on how to investigate, examine, and develop the athletic abilities of their athletes.  
Course Image Health and Wellness - Competition Development

Health and Wellness - Competition Development

This course is intended to train coaches in the fundamentals of health and wellness for their athletes, including topics such as fatigue management, travel planning, diet and nutrition, and anti-doping controls.
Course Image Performance Planning - Competition Development

Performance Planning - Competition Development

This course enables coaches to plan a program based on training and competition opportunities appropriate to the stage of the Long-Term Curler Development (LTCD) Model that their athletes are in. Coaches will learn to identify measures promoting development and integrating yearly training prioritie…
Course Image Analyze Technical Performance - Competition Development - Pilot #1

Analyze Technical Performance - Competition Development - Pilot #1

In this course, we will explore the theory of movement principles required for all sports and learn how they apply to curling skills.
Course Image Manage a Program - Competition Development

Manage a Program - Competition Development

This course will help coaches understand their own personal coaching gaps, learn how to surround themselves with a support team, assist with managing a curling team's season - administratively, financially, logistically.  The course will address, team meetings and communication, media, team contrac…
Course Image Delivery - Competition Development - Pilot #2

Delivery - Competition Development - Pilot #2

In this course, coaches can expect to learn the technical and analytical considerations of the curling delivery, including the key biomechanical principles and training considerations and isolation drills for mastering the delivery.
Course Image Advanced Practice Planning - Competition Development

Advanced Practice Planning - Competition Development

This course enables coaches to plan, implement and evaluate a safe and effective practice.  
Course Image Developing Athletic Abilities - Competition Development - Pilot #2

Developing Athletic Abilities - Competition Development - Pilot #2

This course enables coaches on how to investigate, examen and develop the athletic abilities of their athletes.  
Course Image Prevention and Recovery - Competition Development - Pilot #2

Prevention and Recovery - Competition Development - Pilot #2

This course explores concepts around understanding the nature of injuries and how to set up your coaching practice to help with injury prevention.  The course will include looking at effective warm ups, recovery strategies and looking at skill execution as signs of fatigue. You will also develop a …
Course Image Brushing - Competition Development - Pilot #2

Brushing - Competition Development - Pilot #2

The purpose of this course is to provide coaches with the most complete and up-to-date information about brushing in the sport of curling. Brushing is arguably the most under-coached aspect of curling, but due to the various technological changes and rule changes in the game over the years, brushin…
Course Image Strategy and Tactics:  Competition Development - Pilot #2

Strategy and Tactics: Competition Development - Pilot #2

This course will help coaches understand how to teach their athletes the Strategic Planning and Tactical Implementation processes.  Coaches will review the characteristics of the four strategies, the features of each strategic profile, understand the elements of an end plan and game plan. Coaches w…
Course Image Performance Planning - Competition Development Pilot #2

Performance Planning - Competition Development Pilot #2

This course enables coaches to plan a program based on training and competition opportunities appropriate to the stage of the Long-Term Curler Development (LTCD) Model that their athletes are in. Coaches will learn to identify measures promoting development and integrating yearly training prioritie…
Course Image Health and Wellness - Competition Development - Pilot #2

Health and Wellness - Competition Development - Pilot #2

This course is intended to train coaches in the fundamentals of health and wellness for their athletes, including topics such as fatigue management, travel planning, diet and nutrition, and anti-doping precautions.
Course Image Manage a Program - Competition Development - Pilot #2

Manage a Program - Competition Development - Pilot #2

This course will help coaches understand their own personal coaching gaps, learn how to surround themselves with a support team, assist with managing a curling team's season - administratively, financially, logistically.  The course will address, team meetings and communication, media, team contrac…
Course Image Long Term Curler Development Model - Competition Development - Pilot #2

Long Term Curler Development Model - Competition Development - Pilot #2

This course will help coaches understand Curling Canada's Long Term Curler Development (LTCD) Framework and how it applies the programs and coaches.  The Long Term Curler Development Framework should guide the coach in the why, when and how to introduce skills, run training, use competitions, etc..…
Course Image Analyze Technical Performance:  Competition Development - Pilot #2

Analyze Technical Performance: Competition Development - Pilot #2

In this course, we will explore the theory of movement principles required for all sports and learn how they apply to curling skills.
Course Image Understanding the NCCP:  Competition Development Pilot #2

Understanding the NCCP: Competition Development Pilot #2

This course will help coaches understand Curling Canada's Coach Development Model, the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) structure and where they are in the system.  This course will explain the Competition Development Coach Training and Certification Pathway, recommended sequence of t…
Course Image Competition Ice Technician

Competition Ice Technician

This course is intended to train Certified Curling Ice Technicians on how to prepare and maintain championship curling ice in an arena environment. Successful course completion will prepare Ice Technicians who want to get involved in competitive events being held in their province/territory.
Course Image Assistant Curling Ice Technician Program

Assistant Curling Ice Technician Program

The Assistant Curling Ice Technician Program will train participants in the basic duties of curling ice maintenance, under the supervision of a CERTIFIED Curling Ice Technician.  At the completion of this program, participants will be TRAINED Assistant Curling Ice Technicians.
Course Image Curling Ice Technician Program

Curling Ice Technician Program

This program will train participants on how to install, remove and maintain ice for league and bonspiel play in a dedicated facility for curling.  
Course Image Programme de technicien de glace de curling adjoint

Programme de technicien de glace de curling adjoint

Le programme de technicien de glace de curling adjoint forme les participants aux tâches de base de l'entretien de la glace de curling, sous la supervision d'un technicien de glace de curling CERTIFIÉ.  À l'issue de ce programme, les participants seront des techniciens de glace de curling FORMÉS. …
Course Image Programme de technicien de glace de curling

Programme de technicien de glace de curling

Ces cours sont destinés à former des techniciens de glace qui seront responsables de l'installation, de l'entretien et du retrait de la glace de curling dans une installation réservée au curling. Les participants à ces cours doivent satisfaire aux prérequis de chaque cours et devront suivre une for…
Course Image The ACP and LTCD

The ACP and LTCD

This course begins by introducing the concept of system mapping as a means of better understanding the interconnected nature of our sport. Candidates will then learn about the specific roles of various sport and curling governing bodies.
Course Image The Curling System

The Curling System

This course begins by introducing the concept of system mapping as a means of better understanding the interconnected nature of our sport. Candidates will then learn about the specific roles of various sport and curling governing bodies.
Course Image The Curling Industry

The Curling Industry

This course begins by showing how the Curling System can be enhanced by a strong Curling Industry. Candidates will then learn about various external stakeholder groups, and how ACP Pros can help their clubs to become more successful enterprises.
Course Image Technical Development 1

Technical Development 1

This course begins by showing how the Curling System can be enhanced by a strong Curling Industry. Candidates will then learn about various external stakeholder groups, and how ACP Pros can help their clubs to become more successful enterprises.
Course Image Tactical Development 1

Tactical Development 1

This course covers the essential delivery and sweeping information that all ACP Pros need to know. Candidates will gain the necessary technical understanding to support their teaching work with novice to intermediate level curlers.
Course Image Club Programming 1

Club Programming 1

This course begins by introducing the key programming principles that all ACP Pros need to understand. Candidates will then learn about programming best practices for the Foundational Stages and the Recreational Pathway.
Course Image Teaching and Learning 1

Teaching and Learning 1

This course begins with an introduction to Deliberate Practice by way of the SCORE framework. Candidates will then be exposed to some new online content that has recently been added to Curling Canada's NCCP Competition Coach course. 
Course Image Learning Portfolios

Learning Portfolios

This course includes the key information and practical applications expected from each ACP Associate Pro course. Candidates should ensure that this content is included in their Learning Portfolios in advance of the evaluation process.
Course Image Performance Analytics

Performance Analytics

This course needs a description. 
Course Image Course Development Workpad

Course Development Workpad

The purpose of this course is to provide a test course with which to test Moodle features and payment systems. 
Enrolment on payment